Meetings & Membership

On the third Thursday of the month from September through May, meetings are held at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. You are welcome to attend two meetings before you must decide to become a member. 

When the program includes a speaker, the guest fee is $10 and the member fee is $5.

Meeting Agenda

Doors open at 6:30 pm and the meeting starts at 7:00 pm, often with a short business session during which officers report on guild activities. The main part of the meeting involves a guest speaker, quilting demonstrations, a fundraising activity, or other events centered around quilting. Refreshments may be provided during a break. Meetings often close with Show 'n Tell and raffles around 9 pm.


The membership committee is the first group you will see. All attendees are asked to check in. Guests are welcome to attend two meetings prior to joining the guild. The membership committee collects dues for new members and renewals.

Door Prizes, Name Tags, and Other Fun

You are automatically given a door prize ticket for attending a meeting, and you get an extra door prize ticket for remembering your name tag. Name tags can be ordered through the guild or you can make one. We also have a fabric raffle and a Block of the Month ("BOM") collection at each meeting. Both are published in the guild newsletter.

Show ‘n Tell

Don’t be bashful! Most meetings include a show ‘n tell time when guild members can display projects for everyone to see. Ooohs and aaahs are not uncommon!! Show ‘n tell is a great deal of fun and everyone looks forward to it. All skill levels are welcome!

Raffle Tickets

At every meeting, we give a raffle ticket for each carefully cut 2 1/2" strips of fabric (up to 7 max) in the color of the month. One lucky winner takes home all the strips! Colors for 2024-2025 are as follows:

September - Teal October - Black or Orange

November - Brown     December - Green

January - Blue February - Red

March - Yellow April - Purple

May - Members Choice - bring any color strip!

Tickets are sold before each meeting and at intermission for 5 tickets/$1.00 or 18 tickets/$3.00. You are given a set of matching tickets – you keep one set and use the others for chances to win the item(s) of your choice. Each item has a basket in front of it to collect tickets. Members and local businesses often generously donate items for the raffle. 

Please contact the membership chairperson should you care to donate raffle items. Other items are purchased from raffle proceeds with the balance going to the treasury. By building this balance, we can then invite speakers who would be of interest to all.

Membership Dues

Dues are paid annually and determined by the Board of Trustees on the basis of projected budgets from all of the committee chairpersons. Our annual membership dues are $35 and due no later than the October meeting of each year. Anyone who joins for the first time after February 1, will pay half the annual dues which covers membership through June.  A Junior membership (ages 10-18) is available.  

The membership form can be downloaded here.

Photo by Patricia Serna (